As we close 2024, there is so much for which to be grateful. I truly appreciate your support this year! If you took the time to open any newsletter or promotion I sent, THANK-YOU! I never expected to be an artist and it is turning out to be one of the greatest joys of my life. It is at once therapy, story-telling, a way to reach through the canvas and touch a life and so much more. This year I have painted commissions to commemorate a loved one's passing, for a wedding present, to create something based on scripture as well as interior design projects. I have sent work to Turks & Caicos, Belgium, New York, Canada, Austria...the list goes on! I'm especially grateful to Saatchi, RiseArt & Artfinder for selecting me to be in their editorial collections.

I was looking at the work of Twombly recently and his use of script in his paintings. As I was creating this work on the left, I began to reflect on what I really wanted to write upon and what captured the spirit of this year, thus the 'She Never Gave Up'. This year has also been a lesson in pruning my priorities and making sure art is right up there with the things most precious to me: it needs space to grow next year and I'm looking forward to nourishing myself through that practice and offering up new work for you. I've been getting up at 6am as part of disciplining myself and making room for writing and painting without rushing. It's getting easier each day!

Whatever your goals are for 2025, I pray that you can push aside all the distractions and obstacles and forge ahead. We are so much stronger than we think we are and it is through the fire that we learn this.
For I have plans to prosper and not harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)